Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Vision Without Glasses Scam - Contact Lenses in sports

Contact lenses for sports

Physical Preparation - Contact Lenses in sports
soft lens for sportsThe contact lenses sports provide two advantages : immediate comfort and perfect vision without distortion due to the contours of glasses. And contact lenses enhance performance and improve the well-being of practitioners. Whatever the level of practice and face many disadvantages inherent in wearing glasses the soft daily disposable lenses are the ideal visual Glasses .

Playing sports with glasses?

contact lenses or glassesWear glasses, it is often unpleasant or even impossible in sports such as:
  • Team sports (football, rugby, handball ...), or combat sports because of the risk of breaking glasses.
  • Water sports, in the case of a visual defect important.
  • Mountain sports, the risk of losing his glasses.
  • Address sports like archery where visual acuity must be perfect.
  • And also of course, tennis, golf, gymnastics, athletics, surfing or windsurfing ...
lenses and a sportIn short, sunglasses and sports do not mix!
63% of eyeglass wearers believe that wearing glasses is a handicap for the practice of sport. * Source: U & A 2006

Contact lenses and sport: the benefits

Wearing contact lenses is eligible for immediate comfort: the field of vision expands, becomes total. The vision is perfect, unlike glasses whose glass eye distance creates distortions on contours, the contact lens placed directly on the eye provides a better understanding of the depth of field and reliefs, as it fits perfectly the cornea. For all athletes, whether amateur or professional wear lenses help performance.
lenses or glasses with steamIf you wear glasses, you'll appreciate not having to constraints such as themist , the dust , the rain , the traces on your glasses. You will be able to fully exercise your sports or weekend total freedom and without constraints.
It is not advisable to swim with lenses because there is a risk of losing them in the water, the chlorine in swimming pools can further irritate the eyes.In this case it is best to wear a mask or goggles designed for this purpose.Finally, whether you are nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatic or presbyopic, there is a lens that suits you.
contact lens for sportsIt is for all these reasons that more and more children, adolescents and adults wear contact lenses for their sport, and many athletes who owe part of their records.

What contact lens to choose?

lenses and sportThe lens best suited to the practice of all sports is undoubtedly the lens daily disposable soft. D'optimal practicality, comfort immediately, it arises at any time, where you want, when you wants: for an hour of sport, a game, a workout. It is also very convenient for holidays, weekends, travel ... Its simplicity makes the contact lens ideal for those new lenses. Every morning, or practice your favorite sport, you take a pair of soft contact lenses and you throw new evening or returning the stadium or your gym. They release you from all constraint maintenance. They are sold in boxes of 30 or 90 lenses and correct any visual defects.

how to remove a soft contact lensHow to remove a soft contact lens?

The most practical method to remove a pure contact lens is the method of pinching .You have to look up, then use the index drag the lens on the lower part of the eye and gently pinch the lens between your thumb and forefinger and remove the lens eventually.
contact lens for sports


After contact lenses, sportsmen and women wishing to equip optimally can consult the following pages.

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